Travelling. It’s something so many of us dreamt of doing when we were younger, or something we’re still thinking of doing. Sadly, for so many of us it’ll always be a pipe dream; put off by the idea of the cost, the confusion of knowing where to travel, how you’ll get there, what you’ll even do when you get there, what happens when the money runs out, or what happens if there’s a problem.

But did you know that travelling could actually be good for you? Don’t worry about your destinations just yet, here you’ll find list of reasons why you should reignite your dream of seeing the world.

Stop Everything! 5 Reasons why You Should go Travelling, Right Now!

Remember, if you’re thinking about travelling then you should always invest in travel insurance. If you’re unsure of why you should look into travel insurance, the check out Safetrips post on domestic health plans while abroad.

It’s easier than you think

I know personally, the idea of planning a trip fills me with dread and anxiety. Where would you even begin? But contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be an explorer to head out there. Once you’ve decided on how long you’re going to be out there for, you can make your dream come true by choosing your perfect destination. If you’re really unsure of where to start, then check out some online travelling advice pages, speak to a travel agent to get some complimentary advice or have a chat with someone who’s already lived the dream!

Stop Everything! 5 Reasons why You Should go Travelling, Right Now!

The reality check

Travelling gives you the opportunity to open your eyes. Exposing you to different cultures, different climates, new people and new customs. If you’re open and willing, your travelling experience can make you a better, more open minded and even more tolerant human being. What an amazing thing to be.

Stop Everything! 5 Reasons why You Should go Travelling, Right Now!

Discover who you are

In the movies, people travel to “find themselves” but there is an element of truth to it. Coming up against all the issues, problems and highs and lows of travelling can really help you discover who you are. Who knew you were such a good problem solver? Who knew you had such a good sense of direction? Who knew how much fun you could be?

Stop Everything! 5 Reasons why You Should go Travelling, Right Now!

Make meaningful relationships

The people you meet on the road won’t ever just be memories. They’ll be up there with your closest friends and family, back home. Whether it’s a new perspective they showed you, or they helped you find your way back to your hostel or room, friends you make whilst travelling will be with you forever and make your own world a little bigger.

Stop Everything! 5 Reasons why You Should go Travelling, Right Now!

Moving on

If you’re stuck between jobs, relationships or you need to inject new life into your existence, then travelling is a great way to move from one stage of your life to the next. Yes, it will help you transition into the next major part of your life, but it also allows you to reflect on where you have already been and who you have become.

Stop Everything! 5 Reasons why You Should go Travelling, Right Now!