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A Few Things Every Homeowner Should Know About Their Trees

Trees are one of the most important aspects of our homes. They provide shade and privacy and help improve our physical and mental health by reducing stress levels, providing fresh air to breathe, and enhancing the beauty of a home’s landscape. While it’s good to know how your trees should be cared for during each season, it is just as important for homeowners to stay informed about potential hazards that can arise from tree maintenance or neglect. In this blog post, we will look at some essential information every homeowner needs to consider when dealing with tree-related matters.

1. Know Your Rights

As a homeowner, it’s crucial to know your tree ownership rights. Understand property boundaries and which trees are under your jurisdiction. Trees within your property lines are your responsibility. If a tree crosses into a neighbor’s yard, it may be a boundary tree with shared responsibility. Local ordinances may have tree removal or maintenance rules, sometimes requiring permits.

Knowing your rights when a tree causes damage is crucial. If a tree on your property falls and damages your neighbor’s property, their homeowner’s insurance should cover the costs as it’s considered an “Act of God.” Understand the responsibility when a tree falls and causes damage. If neglect is proven, the homeowner may be liable.

2. Understand Your Tree’s Health Status

The health of a tree can be assessed through signs like leaf color, fungal growth, pests, and changes in growth patterns. Vibrant, healthy leaves indicate good health, while yellowing, wilting, or falling leaves may signal stress or disease. Fungal growth or unusual swellings on trunks can indicate decay, while evidence of pests like holes, nests, or sawdust may suggest an infestation.

A sudden lack of growth or branches drying up can also point to potential health issues. It’s recommended to consult with a professional arborist for an accurate assessment and advice on maintaining your tree’s health. Regular checks and preventative care can help to avoid major issues, ensuring your trees stay healthy and continue to add value to your property.

3. Develop a Tree Maintenance Plan

Tree maintenance is ongoing and should be part of your regular check-up routine. This includes monitoring for signs of disease or pest infestation, pruning branches to encourage healthy growth and prevent overcrowding, fertilizing the soil, and ensuring proper irrigation. Regular inspections can detect potential problems early on so they can be treated quickly before they become major issues.

It’s also important to consider the potential hazards posed by tree branches, such as power line interference or blocked sidewalks. If a tree poses an immediate danger to people or property, it may need removal. Otherwise, pruning and trimming can help reduce potential hazards from overhanging branches.

4. Consider Professional Tree Services

Taking care of trees can be challenging, and it is often best to consider professional tree services. An experienced arborist is equipped with the right knowledge and tools to provide expert advice and quality work that helps ensure your trees remain in good condition for years.

When choosing an arborist, inquire about their qualifications, experience, and insurance coverage. Ask for references from previous clients as well as detailed business information. A reputable arborist should also estimate the cost of any work that needs to be done on your trees.

5. Be Aware Of Potential Hazards

Trees can be a hazard in their own right, and homeowners must be aware of potential risks. Weak or damaged branches can cause serious damage if they fall, so it’s essential to monitor the health of your trees year-round and take care of any issues as soon as possible. Also, roots can create underground hazards that damage your home’s foundation or cause trip-and-fall accidents.

It’s also important to note that tree roots can extend far beyond a tree’s canopy and invade sewers and other underground utilities. If you’re concerned that a root is causing an issue, contact a professional as soon as possible for help.

6. Have Proper Equipment On Hand

If you’re taking on any tree-related tasks yourself, having the proper tools and equipment is essential. This includes a quality chainsaw for cutting branches, pruning saws for smaller branches and limbs, gloves, a hard hat to protect you from falling debris, and safety glasses or goggles to protect your eyes from debris. You should also have a sturdy ladder and rope for reaching higher branches.

Trees are essential to our homes, but they also require special care and maintenance to stay healthy. Being informed about the potential hazards associated with tree work and maintaining a regular action plan can help ensure your trees remain beautiful and safe for years. With these tips, you can keep your trees healthy and add value to your home’s landscape.

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