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Enjoy the Beauties of Durmitor National Park


Thanks to the Internet, people can now virtually ride the most remote places in the world, at least for a moment to feel their beauty.Of course, reviewing photos can not be compared with the live experience of these scenery. So grab your baggage and go anywhere you want. If the beaches or loudest city streets does not satisfy your need for rest and you enjoy at the silence of nature, then definitely must to visit a mountain.

Today this national park is still under development. The tourists are mostly encountered in Zhabjak town which is located in the vicinity of Black Lake, one of the most attractive lakes on Durmitor.

Durmitor represents mountain range located in the northwest of Montenegro. The massif has a length of about 50 km and a width of about 20 km. Durmitor National Park has an area of 39000 hectares and range in northwestern Montenegro, which reaches a height of 2522 meters. Durmitor Mountain is the second highest mountain range of the Dinaric Alps. This beautiful national park and magnificent Black Lake are symbols of Montenegro. Durmitor is a mountain range which is caused by tectonic movements, crimping and incurring relief. The geological composition is complex, but mostly built of limestone and impermeable rocks. Breathtaking beauty, glaciers, numerous rivers and underground streams are the things that are creating this national park.

Also Durmitor National Park has been declared in 1952 and in 1980 is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage. The flora of Durmitor is presented with 1500 plant species, including many which are with endemic and unique character. The most common are pine, juniper and fir. The fauna is represented by over 180 species of birds, many species of mammals of which the most common is the wild goat. The climate there is moderate continental, sub mountain and mountain. It is characterized by long, cold winters and relatively short, cool summers. The transition period between seasons is less pronounced and autumn are slightly warmer than spring.

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