Most families make it a high priority to take a family vacation each year. We do our best to find the time and the money to get the family together and escape from our familiar routines for a few days, but the break is only as good as the trip. As you weigh your options for a spring vacation, consider some of these unique choices.

Go Camping!

A camper gives you incredible flexibility for your vacation. It eliminates hours of searching for hotels, and it gives you a totally different perspective on even the most familiar destinations. Tents aren’t necessary, nor is it necessary to buy a totally new vehicle for camping. Visit a local camper dealer for a great way to get your own permanent lodging for anywhere you choose to go.

Break up Your Routine: 4 Family Vacations to Plan This Spring

Try a Staycation

It may sound crazy, but it is possible to have a fun vacation without going far from home. Sometimes we scour the landscape for great destinations without ever checking out the attractions in our own backyard. No matter where you live, there are bound to be some recreational, cultural, or natural attractions close by. Think of wildlife preserves and music festivals that you’ve always heard about but never visited. Vacations close to home are easier and save you a lot of money on fuel.

Break up Your Routine: 4 Family Vacations to Plan This Spring

Service Vacations

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in entertaining ourselves that we forget about people who aren’t in a position to do anything fun. They’re just getting by, or they’re struggling to bounce back from a disaster. Many college kids and adults alike are finding that a vacation centered on serving others provides the needed break from the home routine but also has the added benefit of doing something kind for a group or community that needs it.

Break up Your Routine: 4 Family Vacations to Plan This Spring

Adventure Travel

Why would you go on vacation and just look at things when you can participate? The growing popularity of zip lines, rock-climbing excursions, and surfing schools makes it easier than ever to have great family fun without spending the whole trip passing through turnstiles. Adventure travel allows you to stay active, burning off some of those calories you’ve splurged on at dinner while learning something about yourself at the same time.

Break up Your Routine: 4 Family Vacations to Plan This Spring

Making the same old trip every spring can be boring, and it certainly doesn’t provide the enjoyment that a new destination provides. Creative ideas for family vacations are easy to come up with when you invest a little time.