Whenever we think that we have seen and read about unusual masterpieces of Mother Nature, we find out more about the new wonder that simple again leaves us speechless. On this beautiful planet, there are real miracles and all of them must be part of the list of places that every tourist needs to see. Those places easily can admire everyone and they are worth to visit. In addition, we will present you the Giant’s Causeway.

The Giant’s Causeway is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Northern Ireland. It is a place created by nature and is tempting for many people. In his description of UNESCO states that it is the only example of rapid cooling of lava, coming through the limestone plateau and forming vertically shaped cemented pillars.

The Giant’s Causeway - Masterpiece of Nature or Creation by the Terrible giant?

Image by Ty via Flickr

The Giant’s Causeway - Masterpiece of Nature or Creation by the Terrible giant?

Image by Sean MacEntee via Flickr

The Giant’s Causeway is an area of about 40,000 mounds of interlocking basalt covering seashore. They are laying in County Antrim on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland and looks like hexagonal pillars that rise alternately as stairs. Giant’s Causeway is a geological wonder and belongs to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage since 1986. These unusual natural formations have been made during the Paleogene or about 60 millions of years ago, when the territory of Northern Ireland was under the influence of strong volcanic activity.

The Giant’s Causeway - Masterpiece of Nature or Creation by the Terrible giant?

Image by Cord Cardinal via Flickr

The Giant’s Causeway - Masterpiece of Nature or Creation by the Terrible giant?

Image by Rodrigo Silva via Flickr

The Giant’s Causeway - Masterpiece of Nature or Creation by the Terrible giant?

Image by giorgio raffaelli via Flickr

During that period, the molten basalt coming in contact with the limestone was creating large areas of lava pools. The lava cooled quickly and these pools fired and created columns with different heights. Today, the highest pillar is 12 meters high. Also, about this geological masterpiece were presented numerous stories and legends. According to legend, the Irish Giant Fionn mac Cumhaill constructed these pillars in order easier to jump in Scotland and to defeat his enemy Benandonner.

The Giant’s Causeway - Masterpiece of Nature or Creation by the Terrible giant?

Image by Chris Lofqvist via Flickr