Working from home comes with so many different benefits and let’s face it, not having to go out every day and be in an office is quite wonderful. But, just like with anything in life, working from your home has quite a few negative aspects, depending on your conditions at home. Some of the most popular issues people have when they are working from home is not being able to focus, being stressed all the time as well as it being too noisy and distracting in their homes. If you are struggling to work from home, here is how you can make it more relaxing and quieter to work from home.

Get Rid of All the Clutter

As not a lot of people are fortunate enough to have a spare room that they can dedicate to having an office, we tend to have makeshift workspaces. That usually means that you are sitting at a table that is overflowing with papers and random things. Even though you don’t have to throw things away, all you need to do is either organise them nicely if you need paperwork to be at hand and move all the things that don’t belong out of your sight. Having the clutter gone will help you not be as stressed and overwhelmed when you are working.

How to Make a Relaxing and Quiet Home Office

Photo by Timber Trails Development Company

Add Plants

Something that is great for creating a relaxing space is plants, but what is even better is that they can also block out some of the noise. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t really add fake plants as obviously they aren’t alive and don’t have any benefits except for being aesthetic. Putting plants around your workspace will make your air clearer, make it more inviting as well as liven up your space.

How to Make a Relaxing and Quiet Home Office

Photo by KH Home Design and Furnishings

Get Soundproof Curtains

If you have kids, a large family or just live in a noisy neighbourhood, working from home can get quite frustrating. One of the best things you can do is get soundproof curtains to create a quiet place you can work at. Having a soundproofing curtain combined with some plants around your home office will create a really relaxing as well as a quiet workspace. Even though sound dampening curtains will not completely block out the noise, it will make it much easier to concentrate on your work as well as having meetings without having to worry about noise.

How to Make a Relaxing and Quiet Home Office

Photo by Picture Perfect House

Invest in a Good Quality Chair

As you are going to be spending most of your days glued to your chair, you might as well invest in a good one that’s gonna help you be more comfortable. If you find yourself constantly fidgeting because you are uncomfortable and your back hurts, it is a sign that you need a new chair. Make sure that you are picking a chair that has good back and neck support. Something that you can also add to make things more comfortable for yourself are a couple of small bean bags for when you are taking a little break.

How to Make a Relaxing and Quiet Home Office

Photo by Design Theory Studio

Pay Attention to Your Lighting

When you are working in an office, you most likely have overhead lighting that is really bright. But when you are working from home you have your normal lighting as you didn’t design your room for that purpose. To add more lighting to your workstation, think about incorporating a desk lamp. Having a properly lit space will help you feel less on edge and be more productive.

How to Make a Relaxing and Quiet Home Office

Photo by Solitude Homes

Try to Personalize Your Space

Even though you are working from your own home, which makes the space automatically personalised, think about surrounding your home office with things that make you feel good. Spruce it up a bit, just like you would in your normal office. Add pictures that make you feel happy, art that makes you relaxed and little knick-knacks that personalise your space and make it complete. As it is your own home, you can create a space that is your dream space and that makes you feel as relaxed as you can be when you are working.

How to Make a Relaxing and Quiet Home Office

Photo by Iba Design Associates

Designing your own home office space is easy, but what is a struggle is creating a space in your home where you will be able to be as productive as you were at your normal office. The best way to find out what works for you is to try different things until you create a space where you will be both relaxed and productive.

Author Bio

My name is Grace Wilson. I’m a 27-year-old biotechnologist and kind of a bookish girl. Surfing the Internet is my favorite, that’s why I’ve turned into blogging. Following the healthy mindset and lifestyle is what I consider as my life principle. If interested, follow my twitter.